Valikko Sulje
* -required field
Please choose notification type: *
Notification of moving INNotification of moving AWAY
Are you an apartment owner or a tenant? *
Apartment ownerTenant
Personal information:
Forenames (given names): *
Surname (family name): *
Personal identity code: *
E-mail address: *
Phone number: *
Street address where moving from: *
Postal code and city: *
Country: *
Spouse's information:
Forenames (given names):
Surname (family name):
Personal identity code:
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Street address where moving from:
Postal code and city:
Other family members (forenames, surname, personal identity code):
Street address where moving to: *
Date of moving (day.month.year): *
Electric meter reading on the date of moving:
Additional notes (e.g. parking space wishes etc.):